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Conscious Infinity
Dr. Rebecca Sullivan

Allow Rebecca to Help You Redesign Your Life

Close your eyes and imagine your perfect life...

Have you created that life yet? 

Conscious Infinity's mission is to get you from where you are now to where you dream to be. Our goal is to ensure that you are the key player in your own life. Allow your journey to be one full of laughter, success, health, and prosperity. You CAN create your own reality starting now! Let us show you how to lead your life instead of your life leading you. Rebecca will help you to rewrite your book of fate and redesign your universal blueprint.


Re-Write Your Own Story with Rebecca


Rebecca’s VIP Sessions


A session with Rebecca is unique to who you are and your needs. Rebecca has been trained in many modalities such as; Theta Healing, Matrix Energetics, Access Bars, Zero-Point Activations and more. However, Rebecca connects directly with you through source/creator and channels what will work best for you. Rebecca uses her psychic abilities to pinpoint the facts and her healing skills to make the necessary shifts in your energetic field, subconscious mind, and soul awareness to recreate the perfect blueprint for you. After the session, you will experience amazing shifts and synchronicities. Rebecca will know your situations, goals, and needs very well. Rebecca makes it a priority to be available for sessions quickly on evenings and on weekends as well. She has clients all over the world, so her scheduling is very flexible. Also as a VIP client you will receive weekly downloads and DNA activations that you will be notified of through your personal email. Furthermore, as a VIP client you will receive free access to Rebecca’s 10 audio meditations to becoming holographic. This meditation series is being sold on her website for $450. When you learn to become holographic your consciousness realizes that you are one with the universe and shifts are made instantaneously. This is the key to successful Meditation.

Fill in the contact form below.  Rebecca can tell you what she is picking up before you even schedule an appointment. 


Conscious Infinity

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What Rebecca Treats and Services Offered:

Physical,Emotional and Spiritual Ailments. Rebecca is a medical intuitive. She works with the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of the body. Rebecca has extensive experience working with trauma.

-Shifting the energy in career situations and aligning business chakras to

the chakras of her clients to ensure success. Career Manifestations.

-Relationships. Reading relationships and shifting energetic patterns. Rebecca has many clients working through twin flame and soul mate relationships. 

- Clearing land and other objects to prepare for sales, create ideal living environments and clear unwanted imprints and entities.

-Animal Communication and Healing 

Fill out the form below to contact us directly via email for a session. We will contact you shortly.

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Get To Know Me

Dr. Rebecca Sullivan

Rebecca Sullivan is a Integrative Medicine Practitioner and Medical Intuitive. She has been blessed with psychic abilities her entire life. She is passionate about holistic healing and believes it is the only way to successfully treat clients. Rebecca is a certified ThetaHealing Teacher and Practitioner. Rebecca founded and branded her own modality called Zero-Point Activations™. She is a Matrix Energetics Practitioner, Reiki Master, Hypnotherapist, Neuro-Linguistic Programming Practitioner/Coach, NLP Certified Life Coach, Eye-Movement Integration Practitioner and Ordained Minister.  Rebecca has successfully treated clients using these modalities for 15 years. Rebecca was born intuitive and has always had a “sixth sense”. Her mother was very open spiritually and taught Rebecca and her four sisters how to remain open and in in tune with these abilities. Rebecca remembers doing her first past life regression at the age of eight. Her mother empowered her by playing telepathic games and allowing her to speak freely about the “spirits” that Rebecca would see and feel. Meditation was introduced to Rebecca at an early age and she spent most of her life in a “higher state of awareness”. Rebecca believes that ANYTHING can be manifested and accomplished by connecting to the creator of all that is! Everyone should be open to the miracles that can occur in one’s life. Rebecca has accomplished everything in her life by connecting with source and utilizing the law of attraction in order to manifest. 

What Rebecca's Clients are Saying

" Reaching into the depth that is yourself is never easy but Rebecca  made it fun, adventurous and exciting as the instructor in the Basic DNA Theta Healing Class I recently attended. Her skills in Theta Healing and NLP, combined with her Masters in Psychology allow her to instantly access how each individual learns and what their blocks may be so she can teach them quickly, providing an excellent learning space for all. Rebecca has a knack for telling exemplary stories that lend insight to the student and enable them to discover issues in their own lief that can be healed with DNA Theta Healing. I believe that Rebecca's energy allowed our class to tap into the Theta brain wave state rapidly and easily creating an advanced space for learning Basic DNA Theta Healing. Her explanation that we each experience Theta insights differently was beneficial in my circumstance and revealed to me that I obtain those insights almost instantaneously. Many thanks to Rebecca Norris for her continued efforts and guidance in DNA Theta Healing as well as her other modalities for all that she meets. The world is certainly a better place because of her."

Joan Severance

Actress, Model, Arthur

Joan Severance_photo credit Roberto Rocc

I am a lawyer and CEO at a large corporation. My responsibilities cover North America and Germany. I have a lovely wife and two sensitive children. Rebecca has been a god send. Her psychic abilities can tap into anything. She has helped me with situations in my career that have been life changing. She tapped into the energy with my wife and children and did healing on them through me. My wife is excited every time I talk with Rebecca because our relationship gets stronger. My wife has never met or talked to Rebecca! Rebecca can read their energies because I am carrying them in my field. She heals the energies that I carry in my field. She even told me that my boss might be having heart issues and told me what he had to do. She was 100% correct. Rebecca has helped me with Physical issues as well. My faith and intuition are very strong since my time spent talking with her. Rebecca is one of a kind! I highly recommend her to everyone."

Adam S.


I started off seeing Rebecca as a client and progressed into taking her theta classes. I had fibermalogia, severe back pain, and IBS. I will never forget when Rebecca took my hand and downloaded me with unconditional love. I was amazed at the feeling of a download and the tremendous warmth that spread throughout me. I had issues with my mother, relationships, finances, and health! She taught me that everything is connected. We pulled so many beliefs, fears, resentments, vowels. Oaths, etc. etc.She did a baby in the womb exercise on me, and the next day my mother called asking me to forgive her. That was a miracle! I had to take her theta class after my IBS symptoms disappeared and I ended up finding the “man of my dreams”. Rebecca is a wonderful leader. Teacher, and spiritual being. She has a glow about her that is captivating. I would recommend Theta Healing to everyone and definitely recommend Rebecca as a teacher. 

Karen ---Frostburg, MD

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